Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Emak ingin pergi haji

Ajim: tekuurr kurrrr . .
Emak: Burung tu senyap aja ya Jim akhir-akhir ini.
Ajim: Iyalah mak, namanya pun sudah tua.
Emak: Iyalah Jim. Mak ini bilalah boleh pergi haji. Sudah tua mak ni.
Ajim: Sabarlah mak. Nanti Ajim dah cukup duitnya, Ajim hantar mak naik haji.
Emak: Eh, Jim, sekarang naik haji berapa ya harganya?
Ajim: Entahlah mak, mungkin 3000 dollar.
Emak: Eh murahnya!
Ajim: Dollar lah mak bukan ringgit.
Emak: Oh . . Hurmm . . Entahlah Jim. Mak simpan bertahun-tahun masuk duit dekat Tabung Haji pun tak lepas-lepas lagi nak pergi haji. Hajah Limah tu, sudah 3 kali pergi haji.
Ajim: Sabarlah Mak. Insyallah masa mak nanti akan tiba. Ajim pergi kebun dulu ya mak. Dengar khabar, harga getah hari ni naik.
Emak: Iyalah

Moga emak Ajim dapat menunaikan haji sebelum ajalnya tiba.

Sunday, 27 November 2011


Gembira lepak dengan kawan-kawan.
Gurau senda dengan keluarga; adik-beradik.
tapi bila dah posting nanti
baru kau tahu
Hidup tak selalunya indah
Hidup tak semestinya ada ramai kenalan di sekeliling
Hidup tak semestinya keluar diner tiap-tiap malam dengan best-mate
tidak tidak
apa jadi kalau kau posting di tempat asing
Pulau Ketam, Perlis
Jitra, Kedah
Segamat, Johor
Lahad Datu, Sabah
tempat-tempat di atas bukan tempat ceruk
ceruk atau pedalaman bukan masalahnya
masalahnya sekarang
lainlah kalau bapak kau kerja di Kementerian
lainlah kalau bapak kau pegawai itu pegawai ini di jabatan itu jabatan ini
lainlah kalau bapak kau tukang kipas Yang Berhormat tuuuuuuuuttt
hidup sangat adil
Manusia yang jadikannya tak adil
Jadi, berSEDIA!

p/s: Dalam kubur nanti pun keseorangan juga.

Thursday, 24 November 2011


Cupcake! Who can resist haa? Cupcake is irresistible! Trust me . .

Flavor: Chocolate
Topping: Fondant and buttercream.
For order, click here.
Don't forget to try Red Velvet. Red Velvet pon sodaaap!!

Thanks to her

Love the pictures!! weee !!

For more pictures, click here.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Semantic, Syntax

What is semantic?

Easily said, semantic is the study of meaning. Semantic is the study of the interpretation of the symbols or signs that being used by a community in particular circumstances or contexts. An understanding of semantics is the essentials of the language study.

For example;
Apple; the word apple refer to an object that can be eat that we called fruit. The colour of this fruit is red an the inside colour of the fruit is yellowish-white.

What is syntax?

Syntax is the study of the principles and rules of constructing phrases or sentences.

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Why is it Mental Computation is important for children daily life application of Money?

You give your children money before they go to school so that they can buy food in the school canteen or buy their stationery on the way back home. You give them RM2 and they bring back home nothing. They spent it all!!

So, in order to help your children manage their money wisely, mental computation is absolutely an effective way to help them. Estimation and mental computation on money really can help children to save time doing long calculations. They used to do calculation using paper-and-pencil method so it's going to take a very long time to do calculation when they want to buy something in the groceries as they need to take out their paper and pencil to do the calculation. So mental computation is the best way to do calculation involving money whenever they want to buy something in the shop.

When they can do mental computation involving money, they can do such a good judgment as they can see the reasonableness of prices of items on sale. They can count in a fast way either a-RM5-items with the less of 50% is much more cheaper than a-RM10-item with the less of 60%. See . . Mental computation is such a problem solver for problem involving money and its really a help for your children.

Mental computation on money is really useful because its help your children to solve problem when exact answers are not required. We know that 50% from RM5 is Rm2.50 and 60% from RM10 is RM6. But how about, 50% from RM9.50? Just forget about the decimal, this is all about make a good assuming by judging for the best price and best valued item to be buy. Help your children learn this skills (mental computation), its really useful for their daily life activities.

Children difficulties in learning time.

Time is such a difficult topic to be learn by children. Its typically because it is an abstract concept. You can not touch time, you can feel time, you can not eat time so it is hard for children to learn time. In order to teach children about time, teacher need a very interactive and comprehensive approach to make sure that children are able to master this topic.

There are many reason why children find it hard to learn about this topic. One is normally many adults fault; especially clock manufacture. They usually use the sense of art to design their clock and the most important is the commercial value. They (the manufacturing company) don't care about our children in learning time. So that why we can find that there are many types of clock and watch in the market. Some with all 12 numbers, some Roman numerals, others with only 12, 3, 6 and 9 numerals, and still others with no numerals at all!

Other than that, the reason why children find it difficult yo learn about this topic is that time is measured using a mixture of base 12 and base 60 system, and when it extended to days, weeks, months and years, it uses base 7, 4, 28, 29, 30, 31 and 365 systems. It is so difficult for children to remember all of this because normally they are doing basic operation with the base of 10 not 4 not 7 not 12 and not even 356!

Time is absolutely influenced by the surrounding such as seasons changing, the movement of the sun, hands on a clock face and digit changing displays. All of this are absolutely new for certain people. For example, Malaysian and Brunei children are not facing any season changing such as autumn, winter and summer. So it is quiet hard for them to learn and understand about this without any previous knowledge.

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Enrichment Activity in the Malaysia Mathematics Classroom

Enrichment activity is a learning activity which is interesting, challenging and provide opportunities for students to develop and support curious properties, self-reliance, critical and creativity thinking skills. This activity usually carried out after the student master the basic skills to enriching their mathematical skills. Normally, the task given is more challenging and out of ordinary thinking in the class. Usually in normal Malaysian classroom, only first or second class from a batch are given the opportunities to carried out this activity with such difficulties, it is impossible for lower proficiency pupils to do the activity. Plus, teacher normally don't have enough time to carried out this activity in lower proficiency classroom as they (the pupil) need a lot of explanation and time to understand the question and how to do the enrichment activity.

The purposes of enrichment activity are to apply basic mathematical skills to solve problems whether it is so complex or extremely challenging. Its also help to nurture pupil interest to learn mathematics as when they manage to solve such a complex and challenging task, they are motivated eagerly to do the next one as they have applied the basic skill that they have master previously. So we can say that this activity also help pupils to strengthen the concepts and skills that the pupils have learn and also promoting self reliance.

In Malaysia, enrichment activity usually conducted by the teacher, the teacher select the material, the teacher choose the time, its all manage by the teacher. But it supposed to be the teacher and the pupils task to conduct and manage the enrichment activity. Teacher supposedly help pupils to do self-learning whether it is individual or group activity. Help student links the enrichment activity with the mathematical skills they have learned. Furthermore, teacher can help pupils by help them reinforce their mathematical skills and broaden their knowledge about mathematics. For pupils, they need to give a full cooperation with the teacher. They also need to help teacher allocate suitable time to make sure that the enrichment activity can be done effectively without any other disturbance.

Enrichment activities can be done in so many form. Either any teacher have ever think about it or not. Normally Malaysia teacher use worksheet to do this activity. It is so easy just using worksheet. The teacher just need to design, build and create the enrichment activity on the computer and print it out or just download it somewhere on the internet and just press the print button. Actually, enrichment activity can be done in the form of math games, puzzle, project, competition and experiments.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Adrian Jay Pereira | Pelajar Malaysia mati dikelar di Indonesia.

Inalillah. Sedih betul bila dapat tahu berita ini. Datang untuk belajar tetapi mati dek kerana seorang pencuri bodoh yang kesempitan wang dan sanggup melakukan apa sahaja untuk mendapatkan wang. Pelajar 22 tahun ini mati dikelar lehernya selepas mangsa mendapati terdapat seorang lelaki yang cuba untuk mencuri motosikalnya di rumah sewanya di Malang, Jawa Timur.

Menurut laporan oleh PKMI, Adrian Jay Pereira yang berasal dari Klang ini telah mati di tempat kejadian. Adrian nie pelajar perubatan di Fakultas Perubatan, Universiti Brawijaya, Malang Indonesia. Kejadian ngeri ini telah berlaku pada jam 7 pm. Mengikut pengalaman aku, kalau pukul 7 di Jakarta tu dah gelap macam pukul 8 kat Semenanjung Malaysia so masa tu orang ramai dah balik kerja dah.

Menurut laporan lagi, Adrian telah dikejarkan ke Hospital Saiful Anwar, Malang untuk bedah siasat. Nak pastikan la tu meninggal sebab apa, buat laporan, doktor sahkan kematian.

Pihak Malaysian Students Department di Indonesia sedang dalam proses mendapatkan maklumat lengkap mengenai kejadian ini daripada pihak polis Indonesia dan menghantar pulang jenazah ke Malaysia.

So kepada pelajar-pelajar Malaysia yang sedang melanjutkan pelajaran di luar negara tak kiralah di mana saja, pandai-pandailah jaga diri. Jangan terlalu percayakan orang okkay.

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Teaching English in The Malaysian Primary School Today

Malaysian is a multi-racial country with approximately 28 million people by 2010. With the most sensitive educational system, Malaysia is using Malay, English, Chinese and Tamil language to deliver content during learning process in school (government and private school). English is a big deal in Malaysia as Malaysia's official language is actively being criticize by not-aborigin-people because in Malaysia, the government urge the use of Malay during official ceremony, occasion or official event. Thus, they (the criticizer) tend to use English as a symbol of protest.

Teaching English in the Malaysian primary school also a big deal since primary school is where small Malaysian kids from many races are being taught. In Malaysia, parent can choose what school do they want to send their children depending on social status, language being used in school, demography and affordability. If they want their child to master chinese language, they can send their children to chinese school which is also called SJK (C) or Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina (Primary Chinese Based School) where they are being taught in chinese language. The same thing happen to SJK (T). SJK (T) is stand for Sekolah Jenis
Kebangsaan Tamil or Primary Tamil Based School. There are also SK Convent, Sekolah Agama Bersepadu (SAB) and Madrassah which are using English, Arabic and also Malay as their medium delivering content in the classroom. However, above all these different, all school are using English, purely to teach English.

This is the basis of Malaysia Educational System, The National Curriculum:-

aspires to provide world class education to the present and future generations in fulfilling the National Education Philosophy towards preparing the pupil of Malaysia for the educational challenges in the 21st century

Normally, all English teacher in Malaysia whether they are teaching in government school or private school, they are using all those bibles below to teach English :-
  1. KBSR English Language Syllabus (National Level)
  2. Curriculum Specification (National Level)
  3. Schemes of Work (School level)
  4. Lesson Plans (Individual Level)
All these reference are either being prepared by the government through school administration or the teacher need to buy or to prepare it by them self. Government has spend billion of Ringgit just to make sure that all the teacher got access to this references. They (the English teacher) can find all the resources from the library, buy it form the bookstore especially Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP), download it from the Pusat Perkembangan Kurikulum (PPK) and also they can retrieve the file from ministry website.

KBSR is yesterday, and today is KSSR. ut now, we are talking about KBSR because there are still 5 bacth of pupils from year 2 to year 6 this year (2011) that is still using KBSR not KSSR. Only pupils of year 1 that now are using KSSR.

The aims of KBSR English Language Syllabus:-

to equip learners with basic skills and knowledge of the English language so as to enable them to communicate both orally and writing in and out of school

The aims has clearly stated it all; to equip learners with basic skills and knowledge of the English language, but why? To make sure that they are able to communicate both orally and writing in and outside of the classroom. Nowadays, we are communicate with other people from other parts of the world with English. If you want to use internet, you need a minimum amount of English language skills and knowledge. That is absolutely true.

With that aims, learners will be able to achieve learning English language objectives which are, as stated by the ministry, to help pupil acquire good reading habit, to listen to and understand simple spoken English in certain given context.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Tips for visiting Kuala Lumpur (Backpackers version)

Heyya people!
This post is totally about tips and trick for visiting Kuala Lumpur. I find it very beneficial to share a bit what I know about this city for any tourist so they can have so much fun visiting this modern city. I'm also a tourist, been visiting lot of other places. Before I go for my vacation I will do some research and homework about the place that I'm about to go. recently I just visit Jakarta and I had my fun time there because nothing happened since I've done some homework about Jakarta.

This huge and gigantic city with capacity of approximately nearly 3 millions people by 2011.
This multiracial city consist of Malay, Chinese, Indian, Punjab, Arab, Bangla (refering people from Bangladesh), Kadazan, Iban, Bajau, Baba & Nyonya, Vietnamese, Pakistani, Javanese, Bugis, Banjar, Orang Sungai, Orang Asli (Aborigin) and many other ethnicity that sums up the total of population of Kuala Lumpur.

Normally, tourist would like to visit Kuala Lumpur for many reason such as for the heritage, building, multi-racial concept and food. Yeah, food is a big deal in Malaysia. Everywhere is food and any occasion is all about food. Either its Hari Raya, Chinese New Year, Deepavali, Pesta Menuai or Christmas, Malaysian celebrate it with food. I mean loads and loads of food.

Famous dish in Malaysia including Nasi Lemak, Nasi Beriyani, Char Kuey Teow, Dim Sum, Roti Canai, Capati, LEmang, Mooncake and Nasi Goreng. See! Malaysian love foods.

Place of interest - Petronas Twin Tower (KLCC), Kuala Lumpur Tower, Sultan Abdul Samad Building, National Mosque, National Museum, Pavillion, Petaling Street, Ain Arabia, Bukit Bintang, Little India, KL Sentral, KL View (Bukit Ampang), Cheras Downton, Danau Kota Uptown, Merdeka Square, Central Market and so much more. Feel free to visit Tourism Malaysia to find and update with the lates event and happening places trending in town.

Accommodation - traveling backpacking in Kuala Lumpur is such a heaven. There are many hotel or dorm that provide such a reasonable price for backpackers. Just browse here to see and compare their price before you make a booking.

The dos and the don't s for backpackers.

Do not . . . .

Wear such a thick outfit since KL is in a tropical weather, its humid here. Hot and wet all year. A t-shirt and a loose pant is a suitable outfit.

Give money whenever they are some blind people come to you while you are eating or walking in Bukit Bintang, KL Downtown Cheras, Uptown Danau Kota and Central Market and they ask for donation. Never ever give them money.

Left your passport in your hotel. At least bring a copy of the pasport (the front page not the cover). You can photostat it in any 7-eleven in KL. In case of emergency, the police need your passport to log a report.

Drive when you drunk. Make sure you are sober to drive back to your hotel if you rent a car. The penalty here for drunk driver is sooooo expensive.

Do . . .

Feed pigeon whenever you see them on the street especially in Little India and Petaling Street. You can buy fried corn or bread to be given to the pigeon.

Bring or buy an umbrella whenever you feel like to stroll down the KL street. Even though at the afternoon it is a hot-shinny-lovely day, at the evening it could be such a melodramatic scene with thunder and heavy rain.

BUY touch-n-go to travel using public transport. Don't waste your time queuing to buy ticket. Buy touch-n-go at any 7-eleven in KL and you can use it for train, LRT, bus and even toll (if you drive a rent car).

Drink a lot of water while walking or strolling down here. The weather may not suitable with the people from other country. So bare in mind to buy mineral water or bring your own water while backpacking here.

Enjoy your visit in Kuala Lumpur. There are so much thing to be discover in KL with the least amount of money. Traveling backpacking in Malaysia is cheap!! Feel free to browse item here while you backpacking in KL.